Reply To: Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah?

Home Forums Shidduchim Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah? Reply To: Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah?


G.A.W. you said “Also blame the boys yeshivos that teach that having Gelt is a Mayylah.”

One of the main reasons many boys think marrying a rich girl is a mayla is because they want to learn and the only way they wont have to go to work after they get married is if somone supports them, and having a rich father in law simplifies things a bit.

How can you tell boys it is mayla not to go to work right after they get married and not excpect them to only want to date rich girls?

Oh and chillmaster and there are more then 4 types of girls out there, sorry your having such a hard time dating.