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Perhaps some people here in the CR can help me with this. I had asked a question last week about the 4 words that end in “oh” that have a hey instead of vav. I got that question from a note in my tikkun on the word “hamono” in the haftorah for Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos. The note didn’t say what the others were. AYC mentioned “Ahalo” and Mod-42 hinted at “leicho”.

I checked my tikkun by the word “leicho” in Chasan Torah and there was a note there that it is one of 16 words like it, “yaro yiyare”, “ga’o ga’ah”, “ra’o panecho”, f’rao Aharon”, etc.

I think that the note by hamono was the shita mikubetzes and the one by leicho was teh minchas shai.

I had also remembered a similar not in one of the haftorah’s of the 3 weeks, I checked that one which said that throughout Yirmiya the word “kulo” is spelled with a hey.

There are also a bunch of names like this, Shlomo, Paroh, Shilo, etc.

I also remember seeing the word “t’vuaso” spelled with a hey somewhere.

I assume the difference between the 4 and the 16 has something to do with the dikduk of the word, but I still don’t know what the other 3 are. Perhaps “ahalo”, “t’vuaso”, and “kulo” count. I think “ahalo’ sounds more like the same type of word since it means “his…”

Does anybody have any ideas about this?