Reply To: speeding tickets

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee speeding tickets Reply To: speeding tickets


I got my one and only speeding ticket 41 years ago…rushing Mrs. CTL to the hospital to give birth.

The officer was quite nasty, pulled me over, I explained why we were in a rush, he let me go, followed us to the hospital and then after Mrs. CTL was admitted handed me a ticket.

I called the local newspaper and they ran a story on this insensitive policeman. That afternoon, I got a call from the chief of police telling me the ticket had been cancelled.


Youngest daughter got a speeding ticket in NY, near her college, last November. $300 fine. BUT since she has a CT driver’s license there can be no points assessed by NY and they don’t notify the insurance carrier for out of state drivers.

We took her car away for a month and she had to pay the fine from her own earnings.