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Regular dentists are capable of doing regular extractions. except it was already stated that the tooth is impacted.

Allow me to shed some light on the situation.

There is no such thing as certification to remove wisdom teeth, any dentist can remove any tooth he feels capable of removing.

Most dentists wont remove wisdom teeth for several reasons

1) impacted teeth are complicated

thus, unless you do it on a regular basis it takes a lot of time and therefore not worth the insurance reimbursement of a few dollars

2) it carries more risk then a regular tooth extraction

there are nerves that can be severed and dentists (and all doctors) want to minimize law suits

3) special scanning is often necessary

in order to minimize the risk of nerve involvement, 3D scanning is often used, these scanners are expensive and usually only oral surgeons have them

So if you have an impacted wisdom tooth, it’s best done at a surgeon. Can a regular dentist do it? sure, if he knows what hes doing and if he can isolate the tooth on regular xrays and be certain it’s not near the nerve