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UPDATED 9:15AM EST: Yerushalayim Placed On Highest Alert Level!

mda new c.jpg(UPDATES BELOW ORIGIONAL STORY) 8:15AM EST: Magen David Adom has placed Yerushalayim on the Highest Alert Level, known as “Red Alert” since Sunday morning. Dozens of checkpoints have been placed throughout the area, as Security Forces have received credible intelligence that at least two terrorists are trying to infiltrate the Yerushalayim area – and carry out a terrorist attack. Traffic in the Yerushalayim area is extremely congested, and people are having a hard time navigating through the Capital.

All Hatzolah Israel Volunteers have been asked to be ready, and all ambulance drivers have been asked to come to the MDA Station and take ambulances and remain with them throughout the day.

Multiple IDF choppers have been spotted in the skies over Yerushalayim, and police are out in heavy force.

Security officials have said that Hamas might try to carry out terror attacks during the Annapolis Peace Talks.

As Israel is scrambling to apprehend two possible suicide bombers, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni have landed at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington, DC on Sunday afternoon.

Livni is scheduled to meet with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at her residence later Sunday evening.

ty.jpg(Click on image to see photo of traffic jam) UPDATE 9:15AM EST: Jerusalem police have just lifted the “Red Alert” which was put in place this morning in the wake of intelligence warnings over an impending terror attack in or around the city.

A source in the police department tells Yeshivaworld that there is credible reason to believe that the terrorists have returned back to the Ramallah area, after seeing the heightened state of alert.

The alert level has been reduced to “Level 1” (as opposed to “Level 3”) like earlier today.

The community needs to thank the hundreds of Hatzolah Israel volunteers – who dropped whatever they were doing – and ran to take MDA ambulances; and for being in the (“Chapak”) Command Post assisting the police.

Traffic on the highway is back more than 10km in some places due to the security checks. In some cases minyanim were formed on buses  as shkia came. [More photos shortly….]

(Photo Credit: Yehuda Boltshauser)

7 Responses

  1. You got it entirely wrong!
    Yerushayalim has been on high alert since the destruction of the 2nd temple, and this week it is in the hands of the evil doers. Mourn, mourn as a tisha bav comes about, this time we can not say we weren’t warned. My grandkids schools have been given special tehillim to recite for hatzlacha, hope we are all intensifing all good deeds.

  2. B”H the 2 terrorists were caught in Chizma (near Pisgat Ze’ev) with ammo, suicide belts etc.)btw, It took over an 1/2 hr. to get to Ramot from Ramat Eshkol and 53 NIS on the “monet” instead of 30 NIS. Traffic was also at a standstill on cvish 9,Begin. Numerous people were walking along cvish ramot and cars were allowed to go through 1 at a time by the cvish 4 junction. At the present time traffic is flowing, and I made it home in under 15 min. Hashem should protect us from our enemies.

  3. No confirmation on terrorist arrest besides for the mir security guards. Yerushalayim is back to normal only because there is no traffic – the checkpoints are still up.

  4. Mentsh, does that mean the security guards have been arrested at the Mir, or that they’re giving you info? Please explain.

  5. Spoke to my son who is learning there.
    He heard that the seminary girls were not allowed to leave the premises.
    The bochrim were not told about it during seder. Let them shteig and protect K’lal Yisroel.

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