Reply To: Being makpid on looks

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binayesaira:”BUT, if you marry a good looking spouse, your children have more of a chance to be good-looking. and as darwin pointed out, cute children have much more chance of surviving till adulthood than do ugly kids” “and, we all know that teachers favor cute kids. and since how well you do in schools impacts what seminary, yeshiva, college one gets accepted into, and thus who they are likely to marry, i would say that boys and girls should be extremely makpid on looks!!!!!!”

You say that someone should marry someone with good looks so their children can be good lookings so they are favored and get into Yeshiva/ Seminary???????? THATS WHAT LIFE BOILS DOWN TO?? which kid is cuter?? How about marrying someone who has exceptional middos and is OK looking? Their regualar children will be outcasts their whole life?? and not be accepted for being regular looking and not “CUTE”.

The people who judge externals and favor the cuter kids I think thats pretty shallow and low. Most kids are cute in different ways. Ok- so the neighbor’s kid who is messy, and has his menu of the day on his shirt and is constantly needing a tissue that you will argue and say you think he is cute? I personally won’t say yes BUT i would argue and say maybe he has a cuter personality, or a witty comment… Binayesaira you are telling me that life is all about looks????? I just dont understand your reasoning please try to clarify.