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UPDATED 9:22PM EST: Large Explosion In Yerushalayim Building

P1010089.jpg[Click HERE for photos] (UPDATE BELOW ORIGIONAL STORY) 7:46PM EST: Initial reports are that a building either exploded from a bomb, or gas explosion on Rechov Zonenfeld in Yerushalayim. Dozens of Hatzolah Israel and Magen david Adom Medics are on the scene. There are multiple injuries. Further details to follow.

UPDATE 7:51PM EST: Yeshivaworld has just spoken with Hatzolah Israel – and they have told us that the top floor of a building at 24 Rechov Zonnenfeld has been completely blown off – secondary to a gas explosion.

Bichasdei Hashem there are only 4 injuries – which all appear to be minor – to the two families living on the 4th floor.

The other floors have Dira’s with American Bochrim learning in the Mir – and no one was injured.

UPDATE 9:22PM EST: Yeshivaworld has just spoken to a British Bochur – currently learning in the Mir – who lives on the first floor. He told us that he had just returned from the Bais Medrash to his Dira, and was standing directly outside the building talking to someone when suddenly there was a huge fireball above his head, the ground shook, and debris started to fall. Huge pieces of concrete blocks, twisted metal and other debris rained down on them.

As soon as the debris stopped falling, he ran upstairs to help the wounded -whom he suspected would all be dead. By some miracle, all the residents were dazed and in shock, but just lightly injured.

He helped them run outside, and by that time Magen David Adom had started arriving with a full MCI response team.

He plans on making a Kiddush this Shabbos – as well as Bentching Birchas Hagomel!


15 Responses

  1. I live in 22 Sonnenfeld. There was an almighty explosion. The walls shook and our bedrooms were covered in dust and tiles fell off the walls. Half of a balcony collapsed afterwards onto Sonnenfeld. There is rubble and glass all over the road. It was a neis that no-one was walking on the road, especially on a leil shishi.

  2. And btw, not bevery bochur from chutz l’aretz is from America. This building is actually full of English and South African bochurim.

  3. i was just there. it doesnt look like a full floor got blown off, but there was a lot of wood and debris on the streets surrounding the building. lets be thankful, but not be blind to the message from Up Above. pretty big hint, if u ask me. good night and besuros tovos.
    yeh what?

  4. Five lightly injured when gas canister explodes in Mea Shearim

    ——————————————————————————– Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST Nov. 23, 2007


    Five people were lightly injured overnight Thursday in an explosion in Jerusalem’s Mea Shearim neighborhood.

    Rescue forces were scrambled to the scene, and police said the source of the blast appeared to be a gas canister on the top floor of a four-story building.

    Why don’t you change your frightening Headline?

  5. Thank you yw for very accurate information.The blast which occured at 2:22am Jerusalem time, was felt all the way to Ramat Eshkol.A large gas tank on the top floor of 24 Zonnenfeld (which is the building that seperates Yeshivas Mir’s Beis Shalom, and Freidman building)exploded,tearing off the roof and a porch, sending large chunks of concrete and twisted metal onto the streets bellow.Magen David Adom called for a full MCI(mass casualty incident) response, but baruch hashem the injuries were minimal, as was reported within minuets by the first several Hatzolah Israel volunteers on scene, despite the initial panic/histeria situation.

  6. The top floor of the building at 24 Rechov Zonnenfeld has been
    mostly blown off from a gas baloon that exploded. I heard that somehow a
    fire traveled from the top floor through the gas pipe back into the
    baloon on the roof causing the explosion. The whole area from Rechov
    Mizrachi (right outside shtieblach Beis Yisroel) to Nechama Bakery is
    closed off with police tape. It got a full response and was called in as
    a bomb. There were tons of cops, firemen, and Hatzola. They brought in
    two horses in case the crowd got out of hand. There are only 4 injuries
    – which all appear to be minor – to the two families living on the 4th
    floor. Eventually they kicked out Hatzola so they can go through the
    scene easily (there were probably over a 100 guys there originally).
    There is debris all over from broken glass, wood, and beams and sheets
    of metal.The other floors were Mir Dira’s with American Bochrim with no
    injuries. Someone in a Senters Dira a few a few doors away told me he
    was listening to his CD player and it skipped when the explosion went
    off and their windows blew out. Most of the buildings in the area had
    their windows blown out. By now it calmed down a lot and most of the
    crowd went back to go to sleep and there are mostly just cops and
    firemen who are going through the ruble.


  8. At least they are on this site as opposed to the other possibilities!! It’s very common nowadays to have internet in meah shearim!!

  9. I am afraid to say it but this happens to to be the only site with such yeshivishe coverage (I assume)
    I DON”T think that all the computers are hooked up to the [telephone, long distance, American phone, etc…..] DSL line just for pure tememusdike YWN!!!!

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