Reply To: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall

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Many comments are badly mistaken. Yes, the video posted was about her being upset about the ruchinyos element. She is afraid that a mall may turn into a hang out etc. She left New York because of the city environment, she’s afraid for his grandkids etc.

However, she is absolutely worried about the gashmiyas element, i.e. traffic, noise pollution and ruination of serene atmosphere and quality of life. If you watch her presentation to the board (you can find it online – I wont link to it) she was very adamant about that. And that argument would be agreed to by probably almost everyone in Lakewood who does not have an ulterior motive. Rt. 9 traffic is at a standstill because of the board granting permission to builders. Pine street is extremely backlogged. She said that at this point she would rather walk to route 9 (ten minute walk or so) than drive…she spoke about killing the serene neighborhood with huge commercial building. These are very reasonable arguments that many neighbors throughout America would make, Jewish or not.

Regarding Ruchniyus, personally I get where she is coming from, although I can also hear another angle. It’s debatable…but yes she make a big deal about the ruination in terms of overbuilding, congestion, and quality of life. And I can not imagine an honest argument to the contrary.