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Popa bar abba, not really active here now, but I pinkt just popped in today and read your original posting.
Does your baby still have a vomiting issue?
If yes, there is something called FPIES (Food Protein Induced Enterocolotis Syndrome), and the main symptom is vomiting. These kids always present with delayed reactions, like two or more hours after eating the offending food, and can become allergic to foods even 10 days after first trialing.
Most kids DO outgrow it, like my own son. But the vomiting, while they are still allergic, can lead to rapid dehydration and shock. These kids can vomit until bile and be in tremendous pain. In bad cases, the bp drops and the child can go into shock, lo aleinu.
If you think your child might have FPIES, I would suggest you look into it.
CHOP is the best place for FPIES btw.
If you kid is okay, I hope so!, then just disregard…