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helpful: The opposite. The Chasam Sofer paskens LIKE Shulchan Aruch et al permitting misparaim kein ta’ar, a close cutting non-razor. An electric shaver is generally accepted to fall into this category.
The Chofetz Chaim does NOT asser shaving for halachic reasons, though he does disapprove for Kabbalistic ones. The misconception that he assered them is based on Likutei Halachos where he forbids shaving with a “machinka”, however simple research demonstrates that he is NOT referring to an electric shaver as they were first invented after the printing of this sefer.
The Chazon Ish may be machmir for the Teshuvas HaRashba who forbids misparaim kein ta’ar, however the Shulchan Aruch Shach Taz Chasam Sofer etc do NOT pasken this way.