Reply To: The Environment and Our World- I Care About it

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Ben Levi

1) THe Medrash about “Lovdah Uleshmroah is actually brought in the beginning of Pirkei D’Rabi Eliezer, and Chazal go on to state that “Is it possible that any actual work was need? Before the Cheit the Malachim brought Adam HaRishon his food fully prepared etc..As such when it say “Lovdah U’Leshomroh it means to keep the torah and mitzvos”.

2) The “Dangerous Gasses” that some scientists claim are causing “Climate Change” are emitted when human beings breath, according to these scientists it is an increasing human population that puts the earth at risk.

In other words one of the foundational principles of the Torah is that the world was created for the use of man, and yet man’s very means of existence is destroying it!