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there was once a man (a) waiting out of the delivery room pacing back and forth. a fellow chareidi (b) walks out dazed, his face in total shock. the first guyr runs over to him and shakes his hand and asks “so what did your wife have?” so the man (b) answered quads! incredulously the man(a) tries to make conversation and asks so where are you from… so man b answer kiryas arbeh and they part ways

while he is still waiting and becming really anxious he see nother man walk out who looks like he’ll pass out. so mr a runs over to him and says mazel tov what did your wife have?

and mr c answers , 7 babies!

mr a said wow! and again tried to make conversation and asked so where are you from and mr c answered beer sheva

when mr a heard that he fainted!

when the nurses revived him they asked him “sir, why did you faint? its your wife in labor not you!”

so mr a said “because im from meeh shearim”

🙂 🙂 :)!