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Dr. Pepper

Heard this from a non-reliable source who claimed it was true but I don’t believe it.

Here is goes.

An ex-Rabbi is speaking by his good bye party after being fired by the president of the shul for being too Frum:

There were three things that complained to Hashem that they were being sidelined;

1. Asher Yotzar,

2. Aleinu and

3. Mamzeirim.

Asher Yotzar complained that it is such an important brocha but people rush through it every morning while half asleep. Hashem decreed that from then on, everyone will say the brocha a few times a day.

Aleinu complained that people rush through saying it while on their way out of shul and no one has the proper concentration. Hashem decreed that from then on Aleinu will play a major role in the Yomim Noraim davening.

Mamzeirim complained that they didn’t do anything wrong yet they are punished for life. They can’t marry anyone but another mamzer and they have to carry the shame with them where ever they go. Therefore Hashem decreed that a mamzer should be the president of this very congregation…