Reply To: Popa Is Retarded. By, Popa

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Popa Is Retarded. By, Popa Reply To: Popa Is Retarded. By, Popa


DY: Sorry, I responded to you, but it looks like my reply didn’t make it past the mods (weird because I cut and pasted a previous comment.)

I referred to the chiluk I made between terms which have acquired a negative secondary meaning, and words whose negative association is only from the actual primary definition.

I quote from above: Racial terms have come to have a negative meaning beyond the actual definition. So that calling someone n

doesn’t mean only “Black,” it also means inferior. There is a secondary meaning of “inferior.” Being Black is not actually inferior, but racists use it in that way, until the term they used “n—-” acquired a secondary meaning of “inferior.”

Retarded doesn’t have a negative secondary meaning. It only means mentally disabled. The negative meaning is the actual definition.