Reply To: Women on a higher level

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How is this anti-Torah? For hundreds of years Jewish women have been working! Managing households was way more than sitting at home with the children, cooking, and doing laundry. If that is all that a woman is to you then I pray that you see that Hashem gave women a broader role in the Torah.

What did women do before? Women organized prayer groups, were involved in their mikvah, and some were business women who kept the home front of the trade when their husbands traveled trade routes. Jewish history didn’t start in the 1900’s.

Torah promotes women having roles in society and their community. Not all women are happy as SAHM. In previous times, being a SAHM meant interaction with the community. Now, it’s isolating for some. Even homeschooling does not work for every family.

Speaking of families, the Jewish people lived all over the world under different rules and nobilities. Across populations, Jewish families differed according to their circumstances, environment, and socio-economic status.

You think that Hashem gave every woman today the same job? Is that Torah? It’s anti-Torah to say that each neshamah is the same. It’s against Torah to say that one woman is just as capable at the very same thing as another woman. The happy fulfilled frum mother with a PhD, five children, and works at a university may have been depressed in another setting. On the other hand, the SAHM who has a lot to juggle already with three children may not have the time right now to think of other things. Yet in time she may go back to studies when her children grow older, and then go out to work.

Even you told a poster that maybe to improve shalom bayis, the poster can teach classes so that she and her husband can have more to talk about and do together. Getting paid to do something does not make the work anti-Torah.

Honestly, did she not provide a very mindful response, as a woman speaking for the reality of her peers, when she countered Joseph’s claims that G-d made women to be barefoot and pregnant only?

When Joseph was cornered with sound logic according to Torah, he attacked the poster, not her points. The easiest shot to take is to call any Jew who disagrees with you as too secular. Really? That’s the best that he can do plus cherry pick quotes without approaching the position in context?