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I heard a shiur last night while in the car, 107.9 – I think it was Rabbi Frand.

He was discussing the halachic implications of Thanksgiving. But what was interesting to me was the history of the day, which he expounded upon.

If 1662 (?approx, I don’t recall), the Pilgrims celebrated in JULY their thanks at suviving a difficult winter. Nothing happened after that until 1782(again approx, I don’t recall) a NJ congressman or similar, suggested a holiday for thanks for this country etc. Again it was unused until during or after the Civil War (1860’s?) when Lincoln established it as thanks for this country and our freedoms etc.

Rabbi Frand, if that’s who it was, went on to say he didn’t know how the current holiday linked up back to the Pilgrim’s story, but eventually it got all mixed together.