Reply To: Presidential candidates – poll

Home Forums Politics Presidential candidates – poll Reply To: Presidential candidates – poll


As I’ve said before, both are terrible. Still don’t think Trump will win. But do you know what’s worse than either of them? The craziness that’s taken hold of people. If you aren’t a trump supporter, you’re a “libtard”, and if you aren’t a Clinton supporter, you’re a “fascist”. The gullibility of people to fall for, and worse, pass on, the propaganda from both sides without using the brain HKBH gave them is astonishing. The proliferation of partisan websites and the click-bait they use, the fear-mongering they employ, and the ruthlessness of their persistence is actually frightening.

In decades past, I think that there would have been more rioting, more anger, and more violence than we have seen with this level of animosity. The only thing positive about the way this is being battled out on the internet is that it is acting like a pressure valve, and people are posting their anger rather than running out into the street with a baseball bat to pummel the opposition. And yes, there is ample precedence for and appetite for violence on both the right and the left.

Its not a pretty picture. And everyone will need to get along after this.