Reply To: Is Midrash Rabbah translated by Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman kosher?

Home Forums Seforim, Books, & Reading Is Midrash Rabbah translated by Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman kosher? Reply To: Is Midrash Rabbah translated by Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman kosher?


>> This Midrash translation is part of the Soncino series

>> of translations. About kashrus it’s hard to say anything.

>> The Soncino group were graduates of “Jews’ College of London,”

>> definitely not yeshivah-grade people. They kept Shabbos, but ….

>> The big problem is competence, or rather their total lack

>> of it. They had only the most superficial knowledge of

>> their texts, only the most rudimentary learning skills, only

>> the vaguest notion of what Chazal were trying to teach. You

>> certainly will not get an accurate idea of the Midrash

>> from this work.

Thank you for the insight — indeed Hebrew is the unique language. I will learn Hebrew when my situation in life improves. I know only Russian and English.