Reply To: Going to shul in the rain on Shabbos

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When I first started exploring Yiddushkeit, I used to walk to and from Chabad on Campus with a bunch of friends on Shabbos in all sorts of crazy weather including dangerously cold below -0 weather. It was about 2 mile/45 minute walk outside of the main community. Some of my friends could have easily chosen to hop a bus but they didn’t.

I don’t like to let weather stop me from doing things including mitzvahs. You just dress accordingly, rain gear if necessary and be careful.

I grew up conservative, walking 20 minutes to and from shul on Shabbos, though my family was not Shomer Shabbos. This is even though the conservative movement said driving to shul was ok. Turns out we also lived outside the eruv. My mother who is not frum but really growing now walks to shul in all weather including rain and snow.