Reply To: "Not to be taken literally"

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Lilmod Ulelamaid

PS: – just so I should not be misunderstood again. I am NOT saying that Vashti did not have a physical tail. I do not know what the mefarshim say about it, and it could very well be that she did have one.

What I am saying (as I said previously) is that:

1. Some Midrashim are not meant in a physical sense at all.

2. I believe that all Midrashim (whether or not they are meant in a physcial sense) also have a conceptual meaning.

3. I think that I learned that the conceptual meaning is generally the main meaning. I do not know whether or not everyone says this. I also can’t 100% guarantee the accuracy of this statement, but that is my impression that that is how we are supposed to understand Midrashim.

4. I am fairly certain that according to the Maharal, Vashti’s tail was conceptual (and this is the main meaning according to him).