Reply To: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency?

Home Forums Politics Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency? Reply To: Is Hillary too weak and fragile to survive the rigors of the presidency?


Clinton’s episodes may really be no big deal, not many 68 year olds can keep up such a pace, and not even the left-biased media can change the fact that she is mortal and bound to get sick every so often. But being president is a demanding job and requires more than the usual stamina-it’s not like they’re spending all day on the golf-course or at Camp David. Yes, other presidents have had serious ailments, which were mostly covered-up while they were president (FDR’s fireside chats were on the radio, remember). It is doubtful that if the public had known the extent of their issues that they would have been elected or retained their positions. Reagan was a great president, but are we really ok with the fact that Nancy ran the show at the end when he was suffering from AD?