We are glad to inform you that Yeshivaworld has confirmed that the Rosh Yeshiva, Maran Hagon Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita, will be coming to the Mirrer Yeshiva dinner this evening – and is scheduled to give his annual shiur at 6:00PM. Our sources further confirmed that the Rosh Yeshiva will I”H address the entire Olam during the dinner program.
The dinner will take place I”H tonight at the Brooklyn Marriott, 5:30PM Reception, 6:00PM Shiur 6:30PM Dinner Program.
We are certain you will want to join in this show of support and kovod hatorah which will be a tremendous chizuk for the Rosh Yeshiva who is being moser nefesh to attend.
2 Responses
Glad to hear the rosh yeshiva is feeling better, big night for dinners, Mir, Chofetz Chaim, Chevron,- may they all have success in raising funds and increasing kavod shem shamayim.
anyone know where the chevron dinner is? asap!