Reply To: He broke up and I don't understand why? Guys, can you explain this behavior?

Home Forums Shidduchim He broke up and I don't understand why? Guys, can you explain this behavior? Reply To: He broke up and I don't understand why? Guys, can you explain this behavior?


I’m sorry Lavender. It really hurts when someone breaks up and especially when you don’t even know why.

YeshivahStudent said:

“he wasnt exactly the type who can marry a girl, and all the dating he does -was mostly for fun, and to fill his life with who knows what.”

That happens. It’s hard to explain but sometimes a guy will date a wonderful person, who does match, yet for whatever reason he is unable to commit. I don’t know what happened in your case, but keep your chin up. The heart that you invested in this relationship will soon with Hashem’s help be with someone who deserves your commitment.

Also, I read a lot of imamother posts and it’s amazing that a number of women had stories that before their husband they thought the met the one, and are so glad that it didn’t work out with the former guy because their husbands today really ended up being truly beshert 🙂