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Lilmod Ulelamaid

Sparkly, I checked that thread. Not sure what you’re asking. Do you want to know if I have any ideas for you? The answer is no. I’m not sure where you live so I have no way of knowing what’s available there. I’m also not that up on kiruv organizations. If I knew where you lived, maybe I could do some research for you, but I don’t know if it would be a good idea for you to give personal information online.

It sounds like what you are looking for is a way to stay connected Jewishly/with other Jews. Maybe you can start some kind of beis medrash/learning program for Frum girls in your college (you mentioned there are a lot of BJJ & Bnos Sara girls – I’m sure they would appreciate it!) You can have different speakers every week (I’d come if you flew me in – I actually am a speaker, although not so famous yet!), or you can have a program where every week a different girl has to give a shiur, or you can organize chevrusas for Frum girls to learn with each other. You can also organize a Partners-in-Torah program on campus where you set up chevrusas between Frum girls and not-Frum girls. Maybe you can call Partners-In-Torah and ask them for help setting up such a thing. They are a really good program, and they might be helpful.

You can also try contacting OORAH – they may also have ideas for you.

I take back my first paragraph! Once I started writing, I guess I did have ideas! Let me know if any of them sound reasonable to you.