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There are no gedolim who supported Zionism l’chatchila, because Zionism is against the Torah and Talmud which tell us that we are not allowed to have a Jewish State when we are in golus.

The NK went to protest that by the Ponovitch yeshiva, there was a Zionist flag. Said Rav Kahaneman, if they wouldn’t come to protest, I would pay them to come, so that the velt will know that what I am doing [putting up the flag] is not l’chatchila, but it’s just to make the government happy.

Does that mean that Rav Kahaneman “supported” Zionism?

I know, I know. You and your “gedolim” obviously know better than the Chazon Ish, the Brisker Rav, Rav Schach, and the Chofetz Chaim (whose Mishna Berura you probably follow, as do your “gedolim”).