Reply To: Mochel Loch… time to forgive and be forgiven!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Mochel Loch… time to forgive and be forgiven! Reply To: Mochel Loch… time to forgive and be forgiven!


“I too ask Mechila from anyone on this site that I may have hurt, disparaged, insulted or caused harm.

As muchcommonsense noted above, I resolve to communicate respectfully and kindly always. “

Ditto. Sometimes we get carried away in our excitement and zeal to make our point. Sometimes we are unfairly judgmental because our hashkafa is different from someone else’s (and that goes ACROSS the board). Sometimes we are SO SURE we know the halacha, that we are adamant that it must be our way or the highway. And sometimes, we might even be correct about that. Nevertheless, we are coming to the Yom HaDin, and it behooves each of us to make a cheshbon hanefesh and ask mechilah for inadvertently causing pain or upset to anyone we know, either here or outside the coffee room. I am sorry if anything I said was hurtful, disrespectful, or even just construed as such by anyone. I wish everyone a gebensched and healthy new year, a k’sivah v’chasima tova. And if we are all still posting here, may we wish each other the same again a year from now, B”EH in Artzeinu hakedosha.