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Well, a goy is not permitted to learn Torah and a goy who does learn Torah deserves death.

However, there are parts of Torah that a goy may learn.

Last week, I was on the subway and a man (don’t know if he was a Yid or a goy) asked me about my tzitzis and if they confer on me, or are indicative of, “rabbi status” (his words). To which I replied that they have nothing to do with “rabbi status” but are intended to remind us about G-d.

I said this because I know that the gadol hador, Moreinu Harav Avigdor Miller, zatzal, was once walking on Ocean Parkway and an Italian worker asked him about his tzitzis. And the Rav zatzal replied that it was to remind us about – and he pointed at the sky. And the goy understood that it was to remind us about G-d.