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Well, this Shabbos was pretty much a repeat of last Shabbos. We hardly saw my son. He didn’t come to any meals, and stayed out late at night with friends. He actuallly went to a club with mixed dancing, which is really breaking me. He is trying so hard to become secular, and keeps telling me and my husband how he hates the Haredim. How on earth did he get to this point? I told him that he shouldn’t forget that the 2 people who love him the most are Haredim, but it really makes no impact. I’ve done so much soul searching since this whole thing started, and basically, relived his entire childhood over and over again in my mind, trying to find my mistakes. I can only chozer b’teshuva for what I might have done….but what about all the Haredim who hurt my son? Do they even know who they are and what they’ve done? It’s such a terrible mark on the “Haredim” who are destroying neshamas under the veil of Torah, who walk around with arrogant pride at their achievements, while looking down on all the lost souls who have left the derech….perhaps bc of them. Hashem yirachem.