Reply To: Going off the Derech

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I just posted recently about seeing a psychiatrist regarding the possibility of your son having bipolar disorder. I wanted to add that I just read through some of your posts….you mention emotional mood swings, control issues, anger issues, and the belief that ‘his rosh yeshiva hates him’. These are all common in bipolar disorder, especially the last one. I truly feel there might be an underlying mental issue here. I know the advice I am giving you is unconventional as, like most posters here, they will tell you to love him, smile at him, give him space etc. and while thats all valid, it would seem to me that you have already been doing that with only minimal success. I really want you to take what I am saying seriously and give it some thought. If I’m right (and I very well may be wrong), no amount of talking or therapy in the world will resolve this issue. Bipolar disorder is a medical issue that requires medicine as well as therapy. Fortunately, it is highly treatable, if treated correctly (no anti-depressants or stimulants).