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Knesset Vote: Palestinian Authority Will Pay For Kassam Damages

kassam1.jpgIn a 37-23 vote on Wednesday, Knesset members voted to give the preliminary go-ahead to a new bill that would allow Israel to appropriate taxes collected by Israel for the PA and use the money as compensation for the damage incurred by Kassam Rocket attacks from Palestinian territory.

According to the proposed new law, funds intended for the PA will cover costs pertaining to the evacuation of Gaza-vicinity residents, property damage, mental health ailments suffered as a result of the continuing attacks, lost workdays and even psychological treatment.

(Source: Ynet)


8 Responses

  1. 1.37-23 vote means only half the memebers were there and the bill will not pass.

    2.Since Israel officially separates kassem rocket attacks from the PA why should the PA compensate for it?

    3.Since the evacuation of Gaza-vicinity residents was a ‘unilateral withdrawal’ why should the PA cover the cost?

    This reminds me of the hospital in Chelm being built under the bridge.

  2. Not a chance that this will ever pass the next round of votes, when all 120 vote.

    #5 is right. Israel says that the Kassam and the PA are different, so would would they be michuyav to pay for it?

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