Reply To: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people? Reply To: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people?


LU that couldn’t have been what the OP meant, because then there is no question. If you measure ruchnius by torah learning, then by definition everyone who learns more is of greater ruchnius.

With that said I liked how you put it. Torah is ruchnius.

My answers to the OP question: there are many people who are in kolel and are complete batlonim and have no yiras shomaim. Just mitvas anoshim melumodo.

I do agree that there are more gdoylim (in both torah and maasim tovim) to be found inside the kolel than outside. That’s not surprising, because someone who is ben alie will try harder to stay in torah learning.

Also, today in some communities it’s shameful to works for a living. So many people who do works either come from a more modern communities, or left their community for a more modern lifestyle.

Joseph what do you think about that?