Reply To: KTCRIM – Keep the CR Interesting Movement

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You are very kind. The point I was making was that the subjects being brought up over the recent past tend to be quite dry and/or unimaginative, but not that there is any deficiency in those participating. I myself have not brought up any contentious, interesting subject for discussion, and therefore am part of the percieved problem (although that is a strong term for it), not the solution.

And what I am mainly advocating is the continuation of the ‘oldies but goodies’ that I recall from the past. For example, the Harry Potter thread, which has had less traffic recently. And that virtually every subject has been covered, and that we should attempt to approach these from a new angle, and not simply use this excellent, well run forum as a place to register one’s sadness and/or outrage. Not that that is bad, but simply that perhaps some more discussions could be reinvigorated or instigated on some more contentious or funny issues.

Of course, this is all a matter of taste. Some may enjoy it perfectly as it is, and ‘al taam vehareyach…’. I simply wish it to be that tiny amount more interesting. I hope none find this viewpoint offensive, as that was not my intention, as I explain above.