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BS”D (just in case mods would rather have it here than in the inspiring stories thread)

The Admou’r meCreedmoor wanted very badly to obtain both use of and insurance for a certain lot of property on which a Mexican family was squatting.

The Mexicans saw the grand Admou”r wearing his tin foil shtreimel and believed that he had to be a very holy man.

So, the head of household asked the Admou”r for a brocho to get his green card. The Admou”r said: “If you want to get your green card, then on March 15, you must go to Houston, Texas, to the immigration office, and recite the segila “Lama ma ma ma nikra Creedmooriah al shem meshigoim vemetoirafim sheyeshnoi sham” to the immigration officer.

On March 15, the Mexicans left for Houston, and the Admou”r arranged for a fire to destroy the family’s shacks. When the family returned they saw their dwelling in ruins. They did not get their green cards and in fact had a severe black mark placed on their records, but they truly believed that they were saved from a fire by the Admou”r’s brooche.

So, they went back to the great tzaddik and asked him for a brocho for a new home. The Admou”r responded: “My friends, you are truly from the righteous of among the nations and America is not holy enough for you. I will arrange for you to be sent to a place of wealth and goodness and holiness!”

With that, the family left and the Admou”r called the Immigration hotline. The family was taken to a detention center, and, cursing and screaming, they finally realized the true greatness of the Admou’r meCreedmoor.