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Here’s an example:

1 day ago, apushatayid said:

“This is what I mean. You wrote “its because im trying to become more religious”. I think when you write religious you really mean observant. You want to do the right thing, but in many instances you find it difficult. May I introduce you to your yetser hara and yeser tov. Where things are black and white you find it easy to make a decision. Where things are gray the yester hara starts in with some very compelling arguments, sometimes it comes with very frum sounding arguments, he doesnt have a car, he needs to get to yeshiva (Im helping him learn, how great is that!).

Bottom line, whatever you do, do it with the guidance of a Rav, Mentor or whoever it is you get your halachic and hashkafic guidance from. Makes life a lot easier to navigate.”

You, Sparkly, responded:

“i already am religious thank G-d. i keep tznius, kosher, shabbos and lots of other stuff. just by listening to not jewish music, watching tv and talking to guys DOESNT make me not frum”

There are two problems with your response:

1. It may be exactly what you are thinking, but it doesn’t address anything apushatayid said.

2. You had originally asked for advice, and then rudely rejected the advice that apushatayid gave you, as if you had never asked for it.