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Frum Missing Girl

missinggif.gifYeshivaworld received the following information via email: This is a daughter of a personal family friend who has been missing since 10/30. If anyone has any information on this girl, please call the Henrico County Police Department at the number listed below. I urge you to please keep your eyes open and to forward this on to as many people as possible especially around the tri-state, Baltimore, and Greater Washington D.C./Richmond, VA areas.

Thank you.

Name: Shana Colby
DOB: Jul 13, 1991
Missing: Oct 30, 2007
Height: 5’2″ (157 cm)
Eyes: Blue
Race: White
Age Now: 16
Sex: Female
Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
Hair: Blonde
Missing From:Richmond, VA United States

Shana may travel to Richmond, Virginia, or to Brooklyn or Monsey, New York. Her ears are pierced.

ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: National Center for Missing & Exploited Children 1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)

Henrico County Police Department (Virginia) 1-804-501-5000

12 Responses

  1. Please try and get more identifying information!!!
    Is she a Bais Yaakov girl (dress wise), is she a potential runaway (dropout?), do the family know why she might have disappeared?
    The info given above is much to vague to identify someone.
    May Hashem have rachmanus on her and her family and return her safely to her home.

  2. Maybe a picture should be circulated? If she’s a runaway, have the family tried a private investigator…she may not be in a Jewish area.
    May Hashem protect her.

  3. The post clearly says “Case Type: Endangered Runaway”. If the family believes that she may be in one of the areas listed, they have good reason to believe so.

    The posters here are so immature, its scary.

  4. Any updates? And can I suggest to the editor that as old stories get bumped to make way for new that you keep this on? I’m sure I’m not the only one who says a kapitel Tehillim each time I see the headline.

  5. following up on the comment by tzippi: perhaps it is possible to add another category for Cholim and others inwhich many of the readers are looking for updates.

    you can list the name with a link to what ever threads are associated with it.

    Thanks and have a wonderful Shabbos

  6. A friend of her’s posted some updated information regarding her whereabouts on facebook. The latest news, she claims that she returned to her home in the middle of the night then left again, so it is believed that she is still in Richmond, VA.

  7. Shana Colby has finally returned home and is safe. Her friend, Elana (Goldberg) Reuben, emailed me the following message:

    Shana is home! She is safe but she needs some time and space. We are asking people not to ask her questions about the last couple weeks and not to judge her. Thank you to everyone that helped in any way to find Shana. We really appreciate it!
    Elana and Shana : )

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