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Lilmod Ulelamaid

lightbrite: thanks! good to know I accomplished s/t by being in the CR.

It is definitely true that there are healing benefits of discussing things with others (although one should try to fulfill the conditions of the Chafetz Chaim as much as possible by speaking to someone who will listen w/o passing judgment on the other person or adding L”H,etc.), and in those situation, it is muttar. However, when someone posts things online for the whole world to see, I don’t think there is any heter.

Additionally, something that might be muttar in ordinary circumstances might be assur online due to the fact that you have such a wide range of possible “listeners.” Something that might be okay when said to someone who shares your worldview and understands what you mean might become L”H if someone might be reading it who might understand it differently and negatively.

It is always important to remember that not-religious Jews and non-Jews might be reading what we write and might understand something differently than the way we meant it.

In terms of your previous posts, maybe you can ask the moderator to delete if you think there may be a LH issue. Kidai to ask. Definitely a big zchus for Am Yisrael during the Nine Days if it really can be done!!!