Reply To: Should a Yid own a Dog? Woof Woof!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Should a Yid own a Dog? Woof Woof! Reply To: Should a Yid own a Dog? Woof Woof!

Pashuteh Yid

Now this reminds me of the following story.

A man made a bet with his friend that his dog can talk and is very smart. He asked it some questions in front of the friend:

1) What is the top part of the house called?

The dog answered: WOOF.

2) What does it feel like if sandpaper rubs your nose?

The dog answered: RUFF.

3) Who was the greatest baseball player of all time?

The dog answered ROOF:

The friend said “Come on, that’s ridiculous. Your dog doesn’t know anything.”

As the friend was leaving the dog turned to his owner and asked, “Why did he get so upset? Should I have said Gehrig?”