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Haifa Evicts Shuls to Make Room for Playgrounds

The chareidi community in Haifa is fuming after learning Mayor Yonah Yahav has given an order to evict tens of shuls in the coming months to make room for additional playgrounds. The city explains the move is compelled by the Trachtenberg Committee recommendations adopted by the government, which compel free education kindergartens.

The city has sent eviction notices to shuls operating in city properties, including some that were kindergartens before serving as shuls.

It must be pointed out that in addition to shuls, a number of private kindergartens and daycare centers are also being ousted for the same reason.

The weekly BaKehilla reports that Haifa City Hall will have to get 98 kindergartens ready to accommodate 3 and 4-year-olds for the next school year.

Yahav explains that if a structure served as a kindergarten in the past, it will have to revert back to this again, even if a shul must be evicted. He explains that if a structure is licensed as a kindergarten, it may serve as a shul but the reverse is not true. The mayor explains there are also non-profit organizations other than shuls that will have to find a new home due to the reality resulting from the state report.

The report cites “a person responsible for one shul” anonymously, stating “We will not vacate the premises”.

City Councilman (Yahadut HaTorah) Rav Aryeh Blitenthal explains that he is not certain if the city really needs 100 buildings, but “one thing is for certain, many other buildings will be vacated before the shuls”. He explains that the shuls will be the last structures vacated to make way for kindergartens.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. So from the point of view they are killing two birds with one stone. They get more nursery schools (ages 3-4, what they call kindergartens in the article), and they get to get rid of some shuls (from a zionist perspective, a win-win situation).

    The article says “kindergartens” so where do you get “playgrounds” from? (It’s buildings they are making a fuss over, not lots)

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