Reply To: Why people become OTD (with the focus on the "why")

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why people become OTD (with the focus on the "why") Reply To: Why people become OTD (with the focus on the "why")


Softwords- “Also, if I don’t know a single soul who’s a Homosexual why would I be so bothered by the Torah’s condemnation of homosexuality that I’d throw everything away?!”

Many of the people surveyed do in fact know gay people. I don’t think one needs to know gay people to feel like that, as it happens, but it’s still a point worth making.

Also, thanks for reading the actual survey, and taking the (an) intended purpose for it- looking at results to see if we can combat them. Seeing how so many are that disenfranchised by a lack of answered questions, we can answer the questions. Hopefully that can prevent more people from going OTD. So I don’t know why people are condemning the survey- maybe they just don’t want to know…

Sparkly- is that really the attitude you have as an NCSY advisor? MO=”do whatever you want while still believing in Hashem and keeping…shabbos and kosher”? How do you get away with that? And incriminating from the other side is the idea that if you’re not MO you can’t ask questions…