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Mispallalim Threatened at Gunpoint at Kever Yosef

It is not all that unusual for Breslov chassidim to visit Kever Yosef without coordinating the event with security forces. Such a case occurred in recent weeks and the mispallalim were taken into custody. What is unusual is that they were confronted by armed PA (Palestinian Authority) forces who ultimately acted cordially towards them.

Interestingly, the police troops asked for identification and in this case, the chassidim presented American passports. The treatment of police was cordial to the point that Channel 2 TV news aired photos of the chassidim posing with the armed PA troops carrying automatic weapons.

Unfortunately, a few months ago the very same PA police shot and killed Ben Yosef Livnat HY”D at the kever. His reception was more in line with the norm.

In addition, the Channel 2 report interviews another chossid whose face is blocked from the camera. He explained that he too was there last week and unfortunately, his greeting was significantly different, quite hostile actually. He explains the PA forces damaged the car and windows and pointed their AK-47 assault rifles at him and the others in the vehicle. He explains “we really felt in danger and one of us shouted ‘Shema Yisrael’, fearing the worst”.

One policeman without a uniform came over to them and grabbed him by the peyos and began beating him and punched him in the face until an officer came and pulled him off. They were detained on the scene for about an hour, and then transported in a PA police vehicle towards the IDF checkpoint. Oddly perhaps, they began singing while being driven in PA custody.

After being turned over they were questioned by Israeli officials, asking “aren’t you afraid to enter after one of your friends, Ben Yosef Livnat was murdered by PA police?”

We are afraid, but we have no alternative. This is how the war is won. This is what was done at Kever Rachel, and today, it is open to us all day. You must continue coming, visiting, all the time.

They remained in custody for the remainder of the night, during which they danced. Baruch Hashem, this time the end was in song and dance and they lived to tell their story to the media.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Maybe the message is NOT to go and daven at the kever without first coordinating with the security forces. There are plenty of makom kadoshim and kivrei tzadikim in EY that are in secure locations and no need to risk lives by going where there are risks.

  2. maybe the answer is that pa should not be allowed there at all. they have no logical connection to kever yosef.

    putting up with this is rediculous.

  3. There are many places in eretz yisroel where the Palestinians will control until there is some final resolution of the peace process. Until then, yidden should not deliberately seek to provoke retailiation and put themselves and the security forces at risk by going where they are not allowed. If they insist on going, the security forces should simply allow them to fend for themselves and not incur the risks of rescues for those who put no value on life.

  4. And with your attitude there will indeed be many places that we will not be able to go. As the fellow said, how do you think we achieved a situation where kever rochel is open to all comers? By acting like this when it was closed. Without such brave פורצי גדר for good, we would end up with nothing.

  5. It is completely assur to risk ones life to go to (or control or even save) a kever.

    Will these folks go to the kevorim of Gedolim (from the Torah, Tannaim, and more recent) located in the portions of Eretz Yisroel in Southern Lebanon or Syria, and risk their lives to go there or even to try to control it?

    This is no different.

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