Reply To: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron Reply To: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron


BRAINFREEZE -“Yes, HEALTH, they had access, at the risk of having their heads chopped off.”

Sorry to inform you, but terrorism in Israel has increased sharply since the begining of the Medina!

“And are you really going to compare the Jewish presence prior to the State to after? ie. The shear number of Yeshivos, seminaries, shuls, Jewish businesses, and Orthodox comminuites?”

Like I posted above -Moshiach would be here already, if not for the creation of the Medina -so e/o would be there, not just some!

“Every Jew on this planet benefits from the State Israel ,especially Orthodox Jews who take advantage of the religious avenues for growth it provides. To then lamblast it and the army is utter kfooy tova. JMO of course.”

I owe them nothing. All they ever did was make my life harder. They have crazy laws about bringng in things when you visit -how long you can stay, etc. If you live there -then you owe Hakoras Hatov to the army, but until they show some Hakoras Hatov to Kollel guys -you definitely don’t have to show them any Hakoras Hatov!