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;;;;;;”I’ve been on construction jobs where someone came over and complained that only one of the crew was working. I always had a logical reason – one was a fire guard, one was waiting for a permit for different work, it was unsafe for multiple people to be working at the same time at that function etc. From the outside, it always looks like “the big bad utility/transit/road crews etc” is taking advantage of the little people. Con Ed negotiates with their union just as the MTA does. “;;;;;;

And the unions got all kinds of stupid laws passed that have institutionalized inneffciency and laziness.

If a fireguard for example is standing by a door with no one around and someone comes by who needs help getting some equipment through that door and he does not feel like doing it, and hides behind the “union rules” that it is ‘not his job’, that an illogical and lazy excuse to forcve the employeer to pay more money just to have someone extra standing around to help people get their equipment through the door.

A welder who has nothing to weld cannot be asked to help move some hose for someone else doing another job because of corrupt union rules.

Transit, ‘track workers’ spend more taxpayer dollars standing around by far then actually working.

As I have said I have personally SEEN this, more then once.