Reply To: Feminism

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Your language of “but not because of the pasuk” is far different than your claim now that “The point was that my answer would be the same even absent the pasuk.” Your original terminology clearly indicates your disregard if not contempt for the pasuk.

Fair enough criticism. Call it a poor choice of words on my part.

I said that I think you have the right to surrender your rights. That in no way shape or form indicates that “Obviously it’s not a mandatory halacha.”

If I can waive my rights, then it’s obviously not mandatory.

We have an explicit pasuk in the Torah that a man rules his wife. It is clear, unambiguous, and black and white in so many words. It is part of the Torah HaKedosha. Period.

We also have an explicit pasuk in the Torah that a woman gives birth in pain. It is clear, unambiguous, and black and white in so many words. It is part of the Torah HaKedosha. Period. And yet, if it were possible for a woman to give birth without pain (through technological means) you have not indicated that this would be a problem. Why? Why are the two different?

The Wolf