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There is a difference between equality which is the social norm today in democtratic societies and then there is feminism which is a totaly seperate premise.
Equality means having equal rights but different roles, this belief is not neged haTorah and this is in fact what is practiced by the majority of frum Yidden today.
Then there is feminism which stands for women being able to perform men’s jobs and having no problems vice versa the men.
Rabbis, firefighters, soldiers, all these occupations are man’s and a woman’s occupation and a woman in such a role is not doing Hashem’s will for what He created her. It is unbecoming for a woman to work in a manly role as much as it is for a man to have a job as a babysitter.
When the whole rabbah thing came out, frum people were having a hard time figuring out why there’s something wrong with the concept. They knew inherentely that there’s something wrong but they couldn’t articulate why. And that’s because you can’t find sources in the Torah against such concepts. Rather those who are living the life of true avodas Hashem and are not influenced by the surrounding culture know instictively that men and women have an obligation to fulfill their respective roles in life.