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No, I did not misquote anything.

If I paraphrased it was still the same idea unless you want to admit that on other threads YOUR claims about what I had supposedly said were ALSO “misquotes”.

And when the boys are lied about is such large numbers so that they can be doped up and warehoused instead of being taught and then held back while they CATER to the girls to make sure they excell, that is implementation of the anti male radical feminist agenda along with making all bathrooms everywhere (not just in school) into “unigender” bathrooms.

How about the fact that girls enter college at 3 times the rate as bays these days.

That by itself is proof of the radical feminist agenda in implementation.

So is the fact that less qualified women are given promotions over more qualified men just so the bosses can cover themselves against discrimination lawsuits.

But you can deny the facts and deny reality to fit your

agenda, but it is more and more comming out in teh open what is really going on.

As for following halacha while doing things some might think are wrong.

Someone once told me that someone can follow to the letter, everything in Shulchan Aurich and still be a Rasha.