May 13, 2012 9:59 pm at 9:59 pm
The 1st & by far the most important & only cure, is to arrive on time. This is especially true by Shacharis, where definition of being on time, is defined as being 5 minutes early, so one is already clad with Tallis & Tefillin, by the time, the Cantor ascends the Omud.
This will save numerous questions & 2nd guessing which opinion to conform to, whether to speed thru davening or skip certain parts to commence Tefiloh b’Tzibur, or to Daven slowly & miss Tefiloh bTzibur.
I simply cannot emphasize strongly enough, how crucial & critical it is, to never arrive late to services, but always be at least 5 minutes early for weekday Schacharis.