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NYS Senator Wants To Ban Eating In The Subway System

Eating in the subway could soon come with a hefty price tag if one lawmaker gets his way.

Manhattan State Senator Bill Perkins has proposed a bill that would slap straphangers with a $250 fine if they are caught eating on a subway train or platform or in a station.

The legislation comes in response to the results of a survey, which found the biggest contributor to the subway rat problem is people eating food.

Some riders who spoke with NY1 on Sunday said there is got to be a better way to fix the problem.

“I think it’s a horrible idea, it’s very unnecessary. I think that people use the trains to commute every day. As New Yorkers, we multi-task all the time. It’s needed to get from A to B,” said a straphanger.

“I’ve seen people make a mess where they let the food drop all over the ground but I don’t know if that’s worth $250,” said another.

“People should be fined if they’re caught littering, but I don’t think they should be fined just for opening a bag of chips,” said a third.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority officials said open beverage containers are prohibited on the subway and eating is always discouraged.

A spokesperson said the MTA is reviewing the bill.

(Source: NY1)

10 Responses

  1. Great idea. There’s no reason for chicken bones on the subway floors and empty bottles rolling around the subway floors.

  2. Yaakov Doe, littering is already against the law and carries a fine. When is the last time you saw someone being ticketed? Have you seen how much these fines have contributed to the MTA budget?

    This new law, should it pass, will be equally- well enforced.

  3. Washington bans eating in its Metro, which might be why it is cleaner. It’s hardly a radical law, but in all fairness the time spent on a some subways trips (e.g. Far Rockaway to, lets says, Upper Manhattan) is similar to the time spent on a commuter rail trip, where food is normally allowed.

  4. I think the fine should be $25 dollars. Food should’nt be eating in a train because it causes Rats and all other stuff. But water should be allowed because water isnt bad.

  5. The subway is not a restaurant and should not be used as one. Who is going to go around all day and sweep empty bottle, drop chicken bone, bread and french fries from the trains. Even if the trains start that way in the morning by night it is dirty. This is not a place to eat. I agree with locknload about everything being illegal and that is because people do not police themselves or expect somebody else to do it. It is high time to stop being pigs on the hoof in public transport

  6. Great idea! It should also be forbidden to eat on a bus in Israel especially the Superbus serving Modi’in Illit. It’s smelly, dirty, and disgusting. In addition it should be vigorously enforced along with all of the anti litering laws. Plus children should not be permitted to eat in public places like post offices and supermarkets. Gabbais and rabbis should forbid eating in shul particularly children with a sack of garbage snack foods. Its disgusting and harasses people who are there to doven. If they need to play send them to a playground. Let them learn respect for a shul and not to associate kiddusha with squalor and filth.

  7. I agree food should’nt be allowed in bus or train but why not water? people love drinking water. I’m not saying you guys should agree with me but water people need water. But food makes a whole mess i agree food shouldnt be allowed they should put security like the airports that if they see food they cant go in unless you throw it out. or a fine $25 dollars……

  8. baruch hashem we wont have to take the subways sitting next to some inconsiderate low-life scarfing down a mickey D’s egg mcmuffin anymore. and while you’re at it perkins, can you ban the nail clippers too?

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