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Fired Muslim Pilot: Airline Thought I’d Copy 9/11 Hijackers

A Heathrow-based Muslim airline pilot told an employment tribunal he was fired because his bosses feared he might copy the September 11 attacks, the Daily Mail reported Sunday.

According to the British newspaper’s report, the pilot worked for a well-known British carrier but was judged a security risk after he was arrested over an alleged terror plot.

The airline said he was “in a position to divert or sabotage an aircraft.”

The pilot, who is British, was quoted by the Daily Mail as saying, “I felt they believed I was going to fly planes into buildings.

“I believe the basis they had for that was my race and religion, because of the actions of other people of a similar race and religion,” he reportedly told the employment tribunal.


4 Responses

  1. Simply a case of race and religious discrimination? But he was arrested over an alleged terror plot! There is an old joke about the definition of chutzpah; Chutzpah is the child accused of murdering his parents pleading mercy on the basis of him being an orphan. I think now we have a new punch line.

  2. Being an Arab should be enough to disqualify one from flying an aircraft.
    Being a Muslim was not enough to disqualify the current resident of the White House from becoming the president of the USA.

  3. #2 dovid, are you nuts? the president is not a Muslim, maybe his father was, but his mother wasn’t, he was raised Christian. What does it take for you to understand that? Perhaps try to erase the hatred from between your ears.

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