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Lol health

you are confusing primaries with national elections.

You can argue for reform that primaries should have democratic rules. Fine, you arent the first but that isnt how it is set up, nor has it ever been. Please note we are discussing the primaries as they are today in 2016. Not how they SHOULD be in your perfect world. As they exist now the process sint democratic few think it is. That you thought it was, just shows you dont know much on the subject. who would make those rules? The Federal government? So in your mind there should be two national elections one for the nominee then another for the president. you do know that isnt in the constitution at all, right? In fact the whole notion of political parties isnt mentioned in the constitution.

“If you don’t like Trump, too bad!”

It’s not that I dont like him (though I really really dont) It is that he is not a Republican and certainly not a conservative. I didnt like George W. Bush either, but he didnt hijack and trick a party.

“Most Republicans voted for him.”

They have been tricked. The evangelicals think they are getting a G-d fearing individual have been tricked. The conservatives who think they are getting a limited-govt conservative have been tricked. And for that matter, the anti-semites who think they are getting a 4th Reich have (probably) been tricked.

“There are places for people like you, like N. Korea!”

um wrong, North Korea doesnt have elections. However there are NO places for people like you, since to the best of my knowledge NO country has mass voting in their primaries (please share any country that does)