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oooh this is fun.

So I think all agree siddur kidushin is top.

In my travels I have found that the Yeshivish oilam views eidei kiddushin as a higher kavod than the Berachos with Reading the Kesubah being the lowest.

(The idea being siddur kidushin requires one to be competent in “Inyanei gittin vekidushin” followed by Eidim which requires neemanos, followed bvy berachos which any Gadol could recite followed by Krias Hakesuba which, as R’ Shachter once put it “Can be read by a monkey”)

Chasidim However place Bracha achrita as the highest after siddur kiddushin with Krias Hakesuba up there. and Eidi kidushin the lowest.

Though i’d love to hear other’s input